- 分析2011-2021年发表的782篇将FMT用于治疗疾病的研究;
- FMT在涵盖85种疾病的8大治疗领域(感染、肠道疾病、菌群-肠-肝轴、菌群-肠-脑轴、代谢性疾病、肿瘤、血液系统疾病和其他类疾病)中显示出一定的治疗价值;
- 报道FMT治疗感染和肠道疾病益处的文献数量最多,其次是肠脑轴相关疾病、血液和肝脏疾病;
- 洗涤菌群移植(WMT)和经内镜肠道植管术(TET)是FMT的最新进展;
- FMT可能存在四类形态:药物、组织/器官、保健药品或医疗技术。
Chinese Medical Journal IF: 6.133
Encyclopedia of fecal microbiota transplantation: a review of effectiveness in the treatment of 85 diseases
doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000002339
Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been used as a core therapy for treating dysbiosis-related diseases by remodeling gut microbiota. The methodology and technology for improving FMT are stepping forward, mainly including washed microbiota transplantation (WMT), colonic transendoscopic enteral tubing (TET) for microbiota delivery, and purified Firmicutes spores from fecal matter. To improve the understanding of the clinical applications of FMT, we performed a systematic literature review on FMT published from 2011 to 2021. Here, we provided an overview of the reported clinical benefits of FMT, the methodology of processing FMT, the strategy of using FMT, and the regulations on FMT in global. A total of 782 studies were included for the final analysis. The present review profiled the effectiveness from all clinical FMT uses in 85 specific diseases as eight categories, including infections, gut diseases, microbiota–gut–liver axis, microbiota–gut–brain axis, metabolic diseases, oncology, hematological diseases, and other diseases. Although many further controlled trials will be needed, the dramatic increasing reports have shown the promising future of FMT for dysbiosis-related diseases in the gut or beyond the gut.
First Author:
Yun Wang
Faming Zhang
All Authors:
Yun Wang, Sheng Zhang, Thomas J Borody, Faming Zhang
主编评语:2022年9月14日Chinese Medical Journal在线刊登了由南京医科大学张发明教授团队和澳大利亚Thomas J Borody教授联合撰写的综述长文,报道粪菌移植(FMT)在全球应用于85种疾病的治疗进展。文章的摘要强调,作为重建肠道菌群最有效的手段,FMT技术在过去10年有三大进展,包括洗涤菌群移植(WMT)、经内镜肠道植管术(TET)和孢子群移植。全文对2011年至2021年发表的所有关于FMT/WMT带来治疗益处的研究进行综述,并且概述相关方法学和政策,以期帮助医生、研究者及患者全面了解FMT的全球进展。FMT在8大治疗领域中显示出一定的治疗价值,尽管有些领域还需要高质量的随机对照试验,但本文显示了FMT治疗肠道内及肠道外菌群失调相关疾病的良好前景。