Abstract: The emerging microbiota technologies, especially the sequencing technologies of microbiome, multi-omics approaches, and the new methods of fecal microbiota transplantation, have promoted the revolutionary development of medicine. These technologies have been used in clinical diagnosis and therapy for many diseases among the multiple traditional disciplines....

Abstract The limitation of traditional delivery methods for fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) gave birth to colonic transendoscopic enteral tubing (TET) for addressing the requirement of frequent FMTs. Colonic TET as a novel endoscopic intervention has received increasing attention in practice since 2015 in China. Emerging studies...

Abstract Cryptosporidium infection is a worldwide disease caused by intracellular protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium,which can disrupt gut epithelial barrier and contribute to mild or severe diarrhea. Emerging evidence demonstrates that fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is an effective strategy for microbiota-related diseases by reconstructing gut microbiota. The new...

The human intestinal micro-ecosystem is extremely complex. There are more than 1,000 kinds of bacteria in the intestine of a Healthy person, with a total of about 100 trillion. The intestinal flora is involved in maintaining the normal physiological function and immune function of the...

中华粪菌库紧急救援计划面向全国的粪菌移植救援,从异地救援三甲医院的病人到救援三乙医院耗时2年余,从三乙到二甲仅用17天。 2017年11月17日17点49分,中华粪菌库紧急救援计划终于实现新的突破,启动第一次面向三级乙等(简称三乙)的异地救援。历经一千多公里,36小时后,福建省晋江市人民医院消化科李龙钦主任顺利完成粪菌移植,一例感染性休克、严重伪膜性肠炎的病人成功获救。...

2018年5月12-13日,中国肠道大会在北京国家会议中心召开。2018 中国肠道大会以“整合赢未来健康在肠道”为主题。 本次大会共有来自海内外超过2500名参会人员。百余名专家学者的精彩报告为观众们展示了在人体微生物组、动物肠道、整合肠病、菌群移植各领域的最新研究进展,带来了一场干货满满的肠道领域顶尖学术盛宴。从开幕式到分会场,大会场场爆满,甚至在最后一天下午的两个会场,依然人头攒动,人气爆棚。 ...

Who made a request for help? The attending doctor of the patient must put forward the rescue needs and provide disease information to the selected fmtbank, and the fmtbank experts who accept the rescue need to decide whether or not to provide rescue through the patient's...

人类科技发展已经达到从未有过的高度,“可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖”,但是,人类从未摆脱用人的粪便给人治病的现实需求(Zhang,et al. 2018)。古人使用美化的名词“金汁”、“黄龙汤”,虽然智慧满满,但受限于技术,也实属无奈。 时至2011年,粪菌移植(fecal microbiota transplantation,FMT)将“粪便移植”取而代之,作为规范的学术交流名词,目的只是导向认识这一技术的本质,并未改变实施方式...